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About Antaser Afrique

Antaser Afrique bv was established in 2010 to represent African Shippers’ Councils, Ministries of Transport, Commerce or Finance or any other foreign authorities in charge of the application of the Electronic Cargo Tracking Notes (E.C.T.N.) or Advance Shipment Information (A.S.H.I.). 

The ECTN/SPN is an official, maritime document issued upon shipment at the loading port and mandatory for the following destination countries:

                                                                     Burundi - Equatorial Guinea - South Sudan - Togo - Ghana

The basic information of the ECTN/SPN, which relates to the cargo, shipper, receiver, vessel and loading and discharging port, provides credible information on cargo flows to the destination countries, covers the need for identification and statistics and contributes to safe maritime transportation. 

This secured Antaser Afrique website offers shippers a platform to consult the ECTN/SPN procedures and provides on-line registration and prepayment facilities. All registered users will be able to manage their electronic account and to issue ECTN/SPN forms.

Antaser Afrique bv - Duboisstraat 46 - 2060 Antwerp (Belgium) - Tel: +32/3-226.54.40 - Contact us