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Boat News

  • 21/01/2025

    Update on the ECTN/SPN procedure for Ghana

    The Ministry of Trade and Industry has reconfirmed that the ECTN/SPN for Ghana is mandatory for all shipments (transit cargo included) entering Ghana.

    The Ministry of Trade and Industry has reconfirmed that the ECTN/SPN for Ghana is mandatory for all shipments (transit cargo included) entering Ghana.

    1. Each Bill of Lading must be covered by one ECTN/SPN.

    2. The ECTN/SPN must be issued and validated at the port of loading and is mandatory for import clearance to Ghana.

    3. Any cargo without a valid ECTN/SPN will not be cleared through the local Customs until clearance of fines and presentation of a valid ECTN/SPN is done.

    4. Shipping lines must insert the unique ECTN/SPN number in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest.

    5. Cargo without an ECTN/SPN will not be loaded on the vessel, failure to do so will attract penalty/fines against the shipping line.

    6. This measure comes into effect from December 1st 2024.

    7. All shippers and forwarders are expected to register at the Antaser Afrique website: www.antaserafrique.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login to start issuing ECTN’s/SPN’s for Ghana.

    We would also like to inform you that as from December 1st 2024, the ECTN procedure has been updated. From now on, the required document is the Bill of Lading.

    For any further information and/or tariffs, kindly check www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32/3-226.54.40 or ectn@antaserafrique.com.

    ECTN/SPN procedure Ghana

  • 27/10/2023

    Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) is introducing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note/Smart Port Note for all shipments to Ghana and appointed Antaser Afrique as its technical partner for the management of this ECTN/SPN.

    For all shipments to Ghana (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder is required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.

    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN/SPN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.

    Cargoes arriving without a valid ECTN/SPN will not be cleared through customs until a valid ECTN/SPN is presented.

    This new regulation takes effect as from November 1st 2023 (date of Bill of Lading).

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at www.antaserafrique.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login to start issuing ECTN’s/SPN’s for Ghana.

    For any further information and/or tariffs, kindly check www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32/3-226.54.40 or ectn@antaserafrique.com.

    Public Notice SPN/ECTN

    CTN/SPN Implementation notice

  • 26/10/2022

    South Sudan - Circular issued by the Commissioner for Customs of the Republic of South Sudan

    The Commissioner for Customs of the Republic of South Sudan, reconfirms that Antaser Afrique is the unique agent duly mandated to sign and validate Electronic Cargo Tracking Notes (ECTN’s) for the country.

    Same implies that any cargoes arriving in South Sudan without an ECTN validated by Antaser Afrique will be blocked for delivery by the local Authorities. A penalty of USD5.000 per infraction will be charged to the shipping lines.

    You might consult the official notification (in English) as attached.


  • 25/03/2019

    Implementation of the ECTN in South Sudan as from April 1st 2019

    The South Sudanese Customs Authority is introducing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note for all shipments to/from South Sudan and appointed Antaser Afrique as its strategic partner for the management of this ECTN.

    For all shipments to and from South Sudan (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder is required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.

    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.

    Cargoes arriving without a valid ECTN will be blocked for delivery by the local customs in South Sudan.

    This new regulation takes effect as from April 1st 2019 (date of Bill of Lading).

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at www.antaserafrique.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login to start issuing ECTN’s for South Sudan.

    For any further information and/or tariffs, kindly check www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32 3 827.07.00 or ctnantaserafrique@antaserafrique.com.

    By clicking on below you'll find the corresponding Notice, issued by the South Sudanese Customs Authority.


  • 17/12/2018

    Equatorial Guinea - Notice to the shippers

    Antaser Afrique wishes to remind its customers that since July 2016, an Electronic Cargo Tracking Note is mandatory for all shipments to Equatorial Guinea.

    As from January 1st 2019 destination authorities will effect a strict control on the presence of a valid ECTN document for every single importation. Shipments arriving without the ECTN will not be cleared by customs before the ECTN has been issued through the Antaser Afrique website.

  • 10/10/2018

    Update ECTN procedure

    On October 11th 2018 at 08.00 we will be performing a system update which will change the application procedure.

    We anticipate that this update will take about one hour.

    Please find below the changes :

    • The way in which a container type and size be mentioned has been expanded :
      • From now on you will need to select as container type one of the following : Dry/GP, Open-Top/OT, Reefer/RT, High Cube HC, Tank/TO, Other.
      • As container size one of the following should be selected : 20’,40’ or 45’
    • The incoterms have also been expanded, one of the following should be selected : EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, DDP, FAS, FOB, CFR or CIF.
    • The way costs have to be mentioned on the document has been updated :
      • For all incoterms the invoice value has to be declared as well as ocean freight.
      • Depending on the incoterm and where applicable the following fields also have to be specified : FOB costs, Insurance, On-carriage and others.
    • Clients will be able to configure which system mails they wish to receive :
      • General emails (emails related to the clients account)
      • Financial emails (mails regarding the credits, invoices, credit notes)
      • Mail concerning ECTN application (validation approval, remarks)
      • Security emails (change of password, login notifications,…)

    Current ECTN applications can still be finished as before.

    During the update the Antaser website will be unavailable, we apologize for the inconvenience this might cause.

    Kind regards,

    Antaser/Antaser Afrique

  • 02/08/2016


    Notification from the Shippers' Council of Chad

    The management of the Shippers' Council of Chad (C.O.C.) reminds all shipping lines, port agents and exporters that the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) is mandatory for all shipments to and from Chad since January 3th 2013 already.

    The representatives of the C.O.C. in the transit ports, in close collaboration with the local Customs and Single Window, attentively monitor all cargoes in transit for Chad on an ECTN.

    Any shipments not covered by an ECTN duly validated by Antaser Afrique are subject to penalties and will be blocked for clearance.

    Attached you'll find a copy of the C.O.C. Notification.

    Download notification document (PDF)

  • 02/06/2016

    Sudan ECTN postponed

    Implementation of Sudan ECTN postponed

    Due to technical difficulties in Sudan facing the implementation of the ECTN for shipments to the country, further studies are being conducted with the local National Chamber of Importers and the Union of Chambers of Commerce on the issue. 

    In this respect the Executive Office of the Sudanese Customs Authority advises that the ECTN implementation is being postponed until further notice.

    Shippers will be informed in due time about the final date of implementation.

  • 23/05/2016


    Equatorial Guinea introduces the ECTN as from July 1st 2016

    The Ministry of Finance and Budget of Equatorial Guinea is introducing

    the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) or Formulario Electrónico para

    el Seguimiento de

    Operaciones (FESO) for all shipments to and from the country and

    appointed Antaser Afrique as its worldwide representative for the

    management of this ECTN/FESO.

    For all cargoes, the shipper or his forwarder are required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.
    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.
    Cargoes arriving without valid ECTN will be blocked for delivery by the local customs in Equatorial Guinea.

    This new regulation takes effect as from July 1st 2016 (date of Bill of Lading) and the electronic application will be available on the Antaser Afrique website as from mid June. 

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at www.antaserafrique.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login to start issuing ECTN’s for Equatorial Guinea.

    For any further information, kindly check  www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32 3 827.07.00 or ctnantaserafrique@antaser.com.

    Attached you'll find the corresponding Resolution of May 13th 2016, issued by the Ministry of Finance and Budget.


  • 13/04/2016

    E.C.T.N. for SUDAN

    Implementation of the ECTN in Sudan as from June 1st 2016.

    The Sudanese Customs Authority is introducing the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note for all shipments to/from Sudan and appointed Antaser

    Afrique as its strategic partner for the management of this ECTN.

    For all shipments to and from Sudan (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder are required to issue an ECTN in the port of

    loading and submit it to Antaser Afrique for validation.

    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest

    under penalty of fines for the shipping line.

    Cargoes arriving without valid ECTN will be blocked for delivery by the local customs in Sudan.

    This new regulation takes effect as from June 1st 2016 (date of Bill of Lading) and the electronic application will be available on the Antaser Afrique

    website as from mid May. Tariffs will be published during the next days.

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at www.antaser.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique login

    to start issuing ECTN’s for Sudan.

    For any further information, kindly check  www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser Afrique at +32 3 827.07.00 or ctnantaserafrique@antaser.com.

    Attached you'll find the corresponding Notice, issued by the Sudanese Customs Authority.

    Download notification document (PDF)

  • 04/02/2016

    Tariff Changes for ECTNs with destination Togo

    Temporary review of ECTN tariffs for Togo

    On instruction of the Togolese government, following new ECTN tariffs are being applied on a temporary basis:

    - FCL shipments: € 25,- per ECTN for shipments from Europe - € 100,- per ECTN for shipments from outside Europe (max. 5 containers per ECTN).

    - Vehicle shipments: € 25,- per chassis number for shipments from Europe and € 25,- per chassis number for other origins  (one separate ECTN to be issued per single chassis number). This tariff is applicable for all modes of vehicle shipments (Roro, containerized, conventional).

    - Consolidation/LCL and Bulk/Conventional shipments: € 25,- per ECTN for shipments from Europe - € 100,- per ECTN for shipments from outside Europe (max. 300t per ECTN).

    - It is not allowed to combine shipment modes.

    For details about the tariffs, please consult the "Tariffs" section of our website.

    ECTNs prevalidated before 4th February 2016 9h am. will still be using the old tariff.

    Antaser Afrique reserves the right to change the tariffs any time without prenotice, therefore we recommend to check the tariffs online on a regular basis.

  • 03/02/2016

    Online payments disabled

    Due to circumstances and with immediate effect we unfortunately are obliged to temporary no longer accept credit card payments.
    All payments should be done by bank transfer for now. For more information
    , please consult the page "How to increase my credits" in the "Credits" section of the website.

  • 19/01/2016

    ECTN Togo

    Further to a demand from the Togolese Government and to actual consultations regarding tariff matters, Antaser is preparing corresponding reviews, which will be available within short. We thank you for your understanding.

  • 30/09/2015

    E.C.T.N. Togo – Notice to the shippers

    Notice to the shippers

    Download document (PDF)

  • 20/09/2015

    E.C.T.N. for LIBYA

    Implementation of the ECTN in Libya.

    By signing the contract with Antaser International Group,  the Minister of Finance and the director of Customs of the State of Libya assigned the issuance and management of the ECTN for Libya to the Antaser International Group.

    For all shipments to and from Libya (transit cargo included), the shipper or his forwarder are required to issue an ECTN in the port of loading and submit it to Antaser for validation.

    Each Bill of Lading must be covered by at least one ECTN and its unique number needs to be inserted in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest under penalty of fines for the shipping line.

    The ECTN must be issued and validated at the loading port and are elemental for the import custom clearance upon arrival.

    Cargoes not covered by a valid ECTN will not be cleared through the local Customs until presentation of the final ECTN and appropriate fines will be charged.

    This new regulation takes effect as from October 1st 2015 (date of Bill of Lading).

    Shippers/forwarders are requested to register at the Antaser Afrique website www.antaser.com or to use their existing username and password for their Antaser Afrique log in to start issuing ECTN’s for Libya.

    For any further information, kindly check  www.antaserafrique.com or contact Antaser at +32 3 827.07.00 or ctnantaserafrique@antaserafrique.com.

  • 27/07/2015

    E.C.T.N. Togo – Notice Ministry of Economy

    The Minister of Economy informs the Trade:

    The Ministry of Economy of Togo informs Shippers, Shipping Lines, …. that as from August 1st  2015 the only ECTN that will be accepted by the Togolese system will be the one issued by Antaser Afrique.

  • 17/07/2015

    E.C.T.N. Togo – Notice Ministry of Economy

    The Minister of Economy informs the Trade:

    The Ministry of Economy of Togo informs Shippers, Shipping Lines, …. about the appointment of Antaser Afrique as its representative and about the obligation of the ECTN for all cargoes shipped to Togo:

    Download document "Togo Notice to the Shippers" (English, PDF)
    Download document "Avis aux Chargeurs Togoloais" (French, PDF)

  • 15/07/2015

    E.C.T.N. for Togo

    Antaser Afrique takes over the E.C.T.N. for Togo:

    Following the Decree N° 001/MEF/MCPSP/MTPT/DC of April 8th 2015 the Government of the Republic of Togo has awarded the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note contract for Togo to Antaser Afrique BVBA.

     As from August 1st 2015 each Bill of Lading to/from Togo, transit cargoes included, will have to be covered by an ECTN issued at the loading port and duly validated by Antaser Afrique or its local subagent.    

    Shipping lines are bound to include the ECTN-number into the Bill of Lading and cargo manifest.

     Validated ECTN will be a mandatory document for the custom clearance in Togo. Shipping lines, importers and/or exporters not respecting this new provision risk payment of fines.


    Further information can be

    found on www.antaserafrique.com in the ‘Tariffs’ items.

  • 27/03/2015


    Postponement of the Implementation of the Advance Shipment Information in Ghana.

    Following the Notification of the Ghana Shippers’ Authority of 26th March 2015, the implementation of the Advance Shipment Information (ASHI) is being postponed until the ASHI has been successfully integrated in the Single Window system operated by the Ghana ports.

    In anticipation of a new implementation date, the ASHI application for Ghana on the Antaser Afrique website will temporarily be closed. Registration of new users, however, will still be possible.

    For further information users can contact Antaser Afrique.

  • 05/02/2015


    G.S.A. implements the Advance Shipment Information in Ghana.

    Following the passage of the Ghana Shippers Authority (G.S.A.) Regulations LI 2190, the Advance Shipment Information (ASHI) will be implemented in Ghana.

    As from March 1st 2015 (date of Bill of Lading) all cargoes arriving at the seaports of Ghana, transit cargoes included, will have to be covered by an Advance Shipment Information (ASHI) document.

    G.S.A. has entered into a service cooperation with ‘Antaser Afrique’, who will provide the ASHI on worldwide level through its website www.antaserafrique.com and its international agency network.


    Shipping lines are bound to include the ASHI-number into the Bill of Lading and cargo manifest under the penalty of effective fines.


    Validated ASHI will be a mandatory document for the (transit) custom clearance at Ghanaian Ports.


    Further information can be found on www.antaserafrique.com in the ‘User Guide’ and ‘Tariffs’ items.


  • 22/05/2014

    The Minister of Finance and Economical Development of Burundi informs the Trade:

    The Ministry of Finance and Economical Development of Burundi informs Shippers, Shipping Lines, …. about the appointment of Antaser Afrique as its representative and about the obligation of the ECTN for all cargoes shipped to Burundi:

  • 20/03/2014

    Electronic Cargo Tracking Note for Burundi

    Antaser launches Electronic Cargo Tracking Note for Burundi

    Antaser Afrique informs the trade that in accordance with the Ministerial Ordonnance N° 540/409 dated 18/3/2014 the Electronic Cargo

    Tracking Note (ECTN) is now mandatory for all shipments to Burundi as from April 1st 2014 (date of Bill of Lading).

    The Ministry of Finance of Burundi appointed Antaser Afrique as its worldwide agent for the management and validation of ECTN.

    Shippers are invited to register at Antaser Afrique on its site www.antaserafrique.com and to credit their electronic account.

    This registration is different from the one at Antaser Afrique BVBA!

    The ECTN prices can be consulted at the ‘Tariffs’ item on this site.

    ECTN numbers have to be mentioned imperatively on the Bills of Lading and manifests.

    The ECTN has to be issued at the loading port – any regularization at destination is impossible.

    Cargoes arriving without ECTN will be blocked pending regularization by Antaser Afrique and shippers/importers/shipping lines risk penalties as

    defined by the Ministry of Finance of Burundi.

    Burundi ordonnance document (Word)

  • 23/08/2013


    T.P.A. postpones the implementation of the ECTN in Tanzania.


    technical reasons, related to the integration of the ECTN to the T.P.A.

    Terminal Operating System, Tanzania Ports Authority has decided to postpone the implementation of the ECTN until further notice.

  • 25/07/2013


    T.P.A. implements the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note in Tanzania.

    Tanzania Ports Authority (T.P.A.), statutorily mandated to manage Ports in Tanzania, has decided  that all import cargoes into the country, transit cargoes included, will have to be covered by an Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) as from Sept. 1st 2013 (date of Bill of Lading).


    T.P.A. has entered into a service cooperation with ‘Antaser Afrique’, who will provide the ECTN on worldwide level through its website www.antaserafrique.com and its international agency network.


    Shipping lines are bound to include the ECTN-number into the Bill of Lading and cargo manifest under the penalty of effective fines.


    Validated ECTN will be a mandatory document for the (transit) custom clearance at Tanzanian Ports.


    The official T.P.A. Public Notice of July 12th 2013 can be opened in following link: http://www.tanzaniaports.com/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=250

    Further information can be found on www.antaserafrique.com in the ‘User Guide’ and ‘Tariffs’ items.